
August 8, 2018

The College of Global Studies at Arcadia University is currently recruiting and training the second group of students for the Arcadia Alumni Ambassador Program. This program, created in February 2018, is designed to give students who are considering study abroad, the opportunity to communicate with other students who have already completed a study abroad program with Arcadia. The Alumni Ambassadors will gain some professional development opportunities and the chance to share their experience and stories with other students.

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the caliber of students who are interested in becoming ambassadors,” says John Fallon, Assistant Vice President, Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management at The College.

He continues: “One of the primary goals of our Ambassador program is to support the efforts of our partner institutions and their students. Beginning with notifying our partner homeschools of students who have applied, through actively encouraging ambassadors to work directly with the office in their homeschool, we emphasize the need for the alumni to follow their homeschool processes and procedures every step of the way.”

The Ambassador program is designed to work in partnership with the students’ home schools so that together we encourage more students to see the full range of benefits that study abroad brings. As it develops, we will be seeking to expand the opportunities for Ambassadors to engage with students in different ways. Please let us know if you have any ideas or comments. 

If you have any questions or comments about the program, please contact John Fallon, Assistant Vice President, Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management, The College of Global Studies, Arcadia University.