
April 21, 2015

Davide TanasiThe College of Global Studies is happy to report that Dr. Davide Tanasi, professor of Archaeology at the Arcadia Sicily Center, has been awarded a research grant of $10,500 from The International Catacomb Society and Shohet Scholar Program of Boston. Dr. Tanasi is continually recognized for his outstanding work in the field, and has heavily involved Arcadia students in his research projects throughout his time as a professor at the Arcadia Sicily Center. 

The grant will be applied to Dr. Tanasi’s ongoing project “Continuity or Discontinuity? Burial Practices and Funerary Rituals Between Late Roman and Medieval Period in the Catacombs of St. Lucy at Siracusa.” It will be used to publish a monograph next year on the subject, with the support of student reports from various excavations at the Catacombs of St. Lucy (2013, 2014 and 2015). This is the second research grant that he has been awarded in as many years.