The College of Global Studies is delighted to announce that Stavros Oikonomidis, of Arcadia faculty in Athens, has received the 2015 Award for Teaching Excellence. Dr. Andrew Law, Dean of The College, had warm praise for Mr. Oikonomidis: “Stavros uses ancient Athens as the classroom for his Athens on Site class. As a polymath and master storyteller, he expertly challenges his students to join him on an intellectual journey. His approach is both didactic and experiential, leaving his students open to learning in myriad ways.”
Mr. Oikonomidis’ students, usually from disciplines as diverse as psychology, political science or economics, are the protagonists of the class. They use whatever resources they can find, in addition to those in the syllabus, to research and analyze specific topics, which they share with their colleagues. Oikonomidis steps in as a curator, adding context as necessary.
Dr. Jan Sanders, Regional Director of Mediterranean Programs at The College of Global Studies in Athens, had warm praise for Mr. Oikonomidis: “He is rare in his ability, desire even, to learn from the students. I can think of few better ways to excite a classroom than for the faculty member to actively listen to his students. He is an inspiration.”
The Award for Teaching Excellence is given annually in recognition of the faculty member who makes outstanding contributions to the education of students in The College of Global Studies, by accumulating an impressive record of effective teaching, documented through various methods such as peer and student reviews and by demonstrating innovative and creative approaches to teaching and learning in education abroad.