
June 1, 2017

Every year, The College of Global Studies awards individuals whose contributions to the institution serve as benchmarks of the highest level of teaching and learning within the institution.

This year, Dr. Ib Shumacher received the Award for Teaching Excellence. Dr. Schumacher teaches 20th Century Spain: An Uneasy History in Arcadia's Barcelona Center, and has repeatedly received excellent student evaluations. In this course, students get a detailed, articulate account of the causes of many of the important historical events that still affect Spain.

Born in West Germany, Dr. Schumacher studied History, Political Science, and Journalism, and has taught courses related to History, Political Science, Journalism, and Criminological Terminology. His research interests include Early Modern and Modern History of Europe and the U.S., Political Systems of Europe and the U.S., International Relations and Media in Europe and the U.S.

The Award for Teaching Excellence includes a $1,000 prize and formal recognition at selected Arcadia functions.