The Imagined City
Consider four artistic interpretations of your study-abroad home and its environs. Who has written about/sung about/painted it? How does that cultural history affect our current ideas about it?
British Food & Culture
Explore how your corner of Britain feeds itself. What is its relationship to agricultural industry and how has it changed over time? Activities include visits and research into the history of market culture and farming.
Sacred Symbols
Create your own tour of hallowed places in your environs. You can choose traditional venues of worship such as churches, cathedrals, synagogues, and mosques, as well as considering other iconic sites or symbols that hold spiritual meaning, whether religious or secular.
Create Your Own!
Use the CLC program as an incubator for your own passions. Activities: Singing in a local choir? Joining a football team? Becoming a regular at an independent book shop? Tutoring? Follow your interests and aspirations.
Community Engagement
Choose a community-focused organization in your area that accepts volunteer workers and participate in their initiatives at least four times throughout the term.
Environmental Exploration
Learn about the natural environment beyond the campus. Your engagement may be filtered through relevant outdoor activities, visits to conservation areas, or independent exploration of striking features in the local landscape.
The Multicultural Map
Whether being invaded and conquered, or representing the seat of British Imperialism, this island has never been isolated. Consider the multicultural influences that have shaped and continue to impact your local community. What is the history of ethnic diversity in your area? Were the Romans or the Vikings there? Did indentured peoples pass through on their way elsewhere? Which formerly colonized nations continue to have cultural presence in the life of your town or city?