
Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham


Student Liason Officer

Melbourne: Australia's Cultural Capital

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham September 6, 2018

Bond students discover Melbourne on Orientation Melbourne is known for wild changes in weather, delicious multicultural food, mind-blowing graffiti art and incredible landscapes.  Our new Bond students arrived on the first day of spring to somewhat wet… More

10 Reasons to Study in North Queensland

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham August 6, 2018

Townsville is the little known wonder of North Queensland - Cairns and Whitsundays have the buzz on tourism but if you want an experience with the real Aussie locals minus the click of cameras (apart from your own), Townsville is the place to be. Here's… More

Bats, Biscuits and Byron Bay

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham July 30, 2018

Griffith Orientation started with a quick stop at their new home to drop off bags and then continue down the coast to spend the afternoon on the beach at Lennox Heads enjoying the sand and the sunshine. Our accommodation was an old converted church which… More

Wistful Whitsundays

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham June 12, 2018

Arcadia Abroad North Queensland The 74 Islands are known for white sandy beaches, glorious coral and beautiful landscapes – and they are nothing less than spectacular.  There’s just a little something missing – history.  All of the people from this area… More

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