Gold Coast Fall '16 Events

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham September 1, 2016

Fall Events for Gold Coast Students We have some excellent co-curricular activities planned for the Fall semester! Take a look at what's on offer within your program and other regions. Tim Tam Picnic by the lake The best way to start your uni experience… More

Student Interview: Emily Daley JCU, Spring 2016

Student Voices July 4, 2016

Student Interview: Emily Daley Program: James Cook University, Marine Biology Home School: University of Tampa What do you wish you knew before studying abroad at JCU? Overall the orientation was really great in Melbourne and I felt really prepared… More

Study Abroad JCU Semester Recap

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham June 30, 2016

Far North Queensland James Cook University We had an amazing semester living it up in tropical far north Queensland! There was so many amazing opportunities and moments, from ice cream on Juliette's to breakie at Odyssey and road trips to learn about… More

Top Picks in Queensland

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham April 30, 2015

There are a stack of travel blogs, Buzzfeeds, websites and articles all bombarding tourists and study abroad students, with pretty pictures and overly descriptive phrases telling them they HAVE to see this place or that... So I decided I am going to compile… More

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