10 Reasons to Study in North Queensland

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham Student Liason Officer


August 6, 2018

Townsville is the little known wonder of North Queensland - Cairns and Whitsundays have the buzz on tourism but if you want an experience with the real Aussie locals minus the click of cameras (apart from your own), Townsville is the place to be. Here's 10 reasons why you really could be spending "winter" in North Queensland. (Winter semester is July - December)

  1. Weather: Temperatures are between 60 and 80 fahrenheit.  This is *Winter* folks.  Plus you have air conditioning for the summer which starts in December.  It also doesn't rain until at least November, maybe December and even then it's only 1 or 2 days in the month.
  2. Outdoors: You have a plethora of adventures on your door step if you like the nature, animals, nature and the environment.  The strand for a run/skate/bike, hike castle hill or take the mountain bike to Cape Pallarenda or Mount Stuart, walk or kayak the length of the Ross River and feed the turtles along the way. Travel south to Alligator creek (where there are no Alligators...or crocodiles) or north to the waterfalls and rainforest of Paluma, take a week and explore Hinchinbrook island - only 32 people allowed on here at any time, it's like travelling back to Jurassic park.
  3. Study: You can study at James Cook University with a variety of field studies in ecology, environmental sustainability, marine biology and many other sciences.  It's ranked number 1 in the WORLD for Marine Biology.  Plus they have a great academic program for the humanities and other STEM based studies.
  4. Reef: Studying at Townsville means you're right on the door step to the Great Barrier Reef. Snorkel trip anyone?  Want to learn to dive? JCU dive club has you covered - plus there's one of the best wreck dives off the coast just beckoning you to explore.
  5. Travel: You're also smack bang in between Cairns and the Whitsunday islands if you like to travel - plus you have Magnetic Island literally just off shore and a 30min boat ride away.
  6. Foodie Fun: Take in a cold one at the Brewery on a Friday arvo (afternoon) or head out for brunch at one of the many food places on the Strand or Palmers street - for a smaller city it's food scene packs a punch.
  7. Events: Townsville has an event just about every weekend: Cultural fest, V8 super cars, Festival of Chamber music, triathalons, rodeos, weekly markets, Sailing race weeks and cultural touring performances.
  8. Arts: Townsville has an amazing arts scene with a city Graffiti walking tour, art galleries, mile long sculpture festivals on the strand, plus there are heaps of local art galleries and art installations and sculptures across the walking paths throughout the region.
  9. Lifestyle: Live is lived at a slower pace - you think Aussie's are chilled in the main cities: wait until you live in North Queensland.  We love to relax - think koality time. ;)
  10. Meaningful Moments: Sunrises and sunsets at the many beautiful vantage points around the easy to access city and never traffic jam in site.  

Want to more? Check out our study abroad programs here Townsville Program James Cook University