Exploring London & Beyond! Summer 19 Events

Isabella Roche April 23, 2019

For students joining us in the Summer, we are very excited to announce our events that will be on offer to you! We’ve been working hard to select some of the best experiences that we think will be a great introduction to your new home in the UK, from… More

A Student's Farewell to London

Isabella Roche April 16, 2019

As many of the staff who work at the Arcadia London Center have studied abroad themselves, we understand what it's like to leave a city that you have loved so much once the semester is over. You become attached to the people, the culture, and the lifestyle… More

London hosts the Regional!

Isabella Roche April 3, 2019

At the end of March, the London Centre hosted students and staff from both Ireland and Scotland, as we came together for our seasonal Regional event! It was great to have the UK offices together, so that their students could get a taste of London and… More

Arcadia London Unveils Ambitious Building Project

Polly Penter April 1, 2019

Ahead of Britain’s likely exit from the European Union in April (or May, or June, or possibly next year, or within the next decade), Arcadia University has put in a bid to buy the Houses of Parliament to turn it into a state-of-the-art student facility… More

Wild London

Hayley Hopkins March 22, 2019

Whether you’ve been in London for a while or have just began your program, you may be missing some of your creature comforts of home. By creature comforts I mean pets, or any kind of animals really. Well don’t fear because London has plenty of opportunities… More

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