Advice From a Study Abroad Student

Student Voices December 20, 2016

There is lots of advice out there on how to prepare for your time studying abroad. But who better to tell you how to prepare, than a study abroad student who is currently coming to the end of her semester in London. Ally Canfield is a student from Arcadia… More

So long – so soon!

Andrew George December 14, 2016

Hard to believe the semester is drawing to a close already. It seems so very recently I was writing words of welcome and now the time comes around to bid you farewell on behalf of all the faculty and staff here in the London Center. We’ve enjoyed having… More

And the Fall '16 winners are...

Sara Sayeg December 13, 2016

We've looked through over 200 submissions to our Photo and Video Competition and after much deliberating we are happy to announce the winners!  But let's cut the's a big congratulations to our winners! Enjoy your $50 Amazon vouchers! Photo… More

It's Time to Go Home

David Crout December 12, 2016

Congratulations the end of the semester is here...’ve made it through the entire semester, but now it’s time to think about going home again. But what and where IS home? Is London now your home? Are you a citizen of the world? A stranger in your… More

Top 5 Tips for Finals

Sara Sayeg December 6, 2016

Whether your exam is in the next week or two, or in January, here are our top tips to help you pass your final exams with ease... 1. Be organised Start your revision (study) in good time before the exam and plan your time carefully. Schedule in time… More

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