Seven Tips for Spending Five Months Abroad

Student Voices December 2, 2016

Written by Kristen Swantek, a Pennsylvania State University student who studied on the University of Westminster program in Spring 2017. The Departure Date for my program is quickly approaching. (41 days as of 11/30. Not that I’m counting or anything)… More

Spring ‘17 Events

Sara Sayeg November 16, 2016

For students joining us in the Spring, we are very excited to announce our events that will be on offer to you! We’ve been working hard to select some of the best experiences that we think will be a great introduction to your new home in the UK, from… More

The Meaning of the Poppy

Andrew George November 11, 2016

'And now the Torch and Poppy Red, we wear in honour of our dead…'. You will no doubt have noticed a blossoming of red poppies on the lapels of people you pass on the street and see reading the news on TV. You may indeed have been “buttonholed” by poppy… More

National Parks & Education

David Crout November 1, 2016

England & Wales really are green and pleasant lands. If you want to get away from it all and experience nature, you've come to the right place. National Parks Officially, there are 15 national parks in the UK, but there are many other areas of outstanding… More

Talk of the Town! with Laura Bates

Sara Sayeg October 27, 2016

Last Spring, we invited Laura Bates, the founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, to attend our Talk of the Town series. Her lecture was so successful and had such a positive response from our students that we invited her back with us this Fall. Not surprisingly… More

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