Spring orientation - A new start

David Crout January 26, 2016

Spring orientation is done! After months of preparation and anticipation, over 3 ½ weeks in January we welcomed nearly 300 students, on 25 different programmes heading to locations all over London, England & Wales for their Arcadia orientation. I… More

Life of the Mind: Protest

Natalie Crown January 25, 2016

Though orientation is not yet over, many of you have settled in to your programmes – with us at Arcadia, in London, or further afield – having absorbed the newness of your surroundings, and the deluge of information that we have shared. Now that you… More

The Tower of London and the Battle of Agincourt

Natalie Crown January 20, 2016

This Spring, you each have the opportunity to visit the Tower of London - one of London's leading attractions. Not only is the Tower beautiful, but it is laden with over 1000 years of history. You will learn about the Yeomen, about the ravens, the white… More

Spring 2016 Competitions

Emma Grant January 19, 2016

This semester, Fall 2016,  there are seven $50 dollar Amazon vouchers up for grabs in our Competitions. So while you are busy capturing your study abroad memories on camera, here’s something to keep in mind… Photo Competition Whether it’s taken in London… More

How Not to Budge from Your Budget

Sara Sayeg January 14, 2016

You've all come to London with some sort of budget in mind, but the real trouble is sticking to it. With so many things to do and sights to see, it can be hard to keep an eye on your spending. This is why we've compiled a list of the best ways to avoid… More

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