Protest, Study Abroad & You

Emma Grant November 23, 2015

You may already be familiar with the Protest Board in the Arcadia Center’s Student Lounge. The space was created as an outlet for students – and only students – to engage with subject matter related to our Life of the Mind theme, ‘Protest.’ The space… More

Spring Events 2016

Emma Grant November 19, 2015

For students joining us in the Spring, we are very excited to announce the program of events that will be on offer to you! We’ve selected some of the best places and experiences that we think will be a great introduction to your new home in the UK. So… More

Arcadia London meets Arcadia Istanbul!

Emma Grant November 12, 2015

One of the highlights of this semester is surely going to be our student adventure to Istanbul. Recently east really did meet west when students from two of Arcadia’s academic centres came together in a city steeped in history and culture - Istanbul… More

Talk of the Town! - Meet Alix Christie

Natalie Crown November 10, 2015

Yes, it's that time. Somehow, the semester has flown by and we have arrived at our final Talk of the Town! event. If you have not come along for one of these events yet, make sure you sign up quickly. No doubt it will be as popular as all the rest. Gutenberg's… More

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