Welcoming new arrivals

David Crout October 14, 2015

Well fall orientation has come and gone. Over 350 students on 33 different programs over the course of 7 weeks! Happy Arcadia staff in lovely red Arcadia tops were waiting to meet new arrivals at the airport who were then whisked into central London… More

Academic Studio - Essay Evolution!

Natalie Crown October 8, 2015

Yes, essay evolution - or something along those lines... By now you will have no doubt noticed the signs dotted around the London Centre advertising the academic studio. Perhaps you saw the word 'academic' and your brains shied away in terror, but we… More

First Year Protest Experience!

Student Voices October 6, 2015

In keeping with this year’s Life of the Mind theme, Protest, a group of Arcadia First Year students took up placards and marched in protest of Europe’s migrant crisis on Saturday, 12th September. The ‘Solidarity with Refugees’ protest was organised by… More

Talk of the Town! - Why I Protest

Natalie Crown September 29, 2015

Life of the mind By now, you should all have heard about our current Life of the Mind theme - protest. For one thing, one wall of our centre has given way to a rather striking display on the topic. For another, each of you went to see Billy Elliot during… More

How to Keep the British Pounds in Your Pocket

Sara Sayeg September 29, 2015

“Nothing is certain in London but expense.” William Shenstone might have said this in 1743, but it still rings true today. As incredible as London is, it can also be incredibly expensive if you don’t keep an eye on your spending. Here are some of the… More

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