
Feature & Travel Writing


London, England

Keeping Up with the Locals

Feature & Travel Writing June 11, 2018

By Emily Nagel Like a group of kindergarteners or a herd of cattle, my fellow students and I jolt through the Archway tube station. We feed our cards through machines and stumble onto the shockingly fast and dizzying escalator. I stand on the left, clinging… More

Student Journalism: Navigating London!

Feature & Travel Writing August 1, 2016

As part of the Arcadia in London program, students from the Journalism: Feature & Travel Writing course provided a fresh take on traveling abroad and scoped out the best of what London has to offer. We gathered their food reviews, round ups, unseen tours… More

Video: Roundups

Feature & Travel Writing July 25, 2016

For a more immersive experience of some of our roundups, look at our video clips: Camden Market by Ben Adams, Erin Castle and Isabella Hsiao   Covent Garden By Erica Kitchin and Sarah Besing Street Art By Amy MacNeill and Vanessa Quimson More

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