
James Ballantyne


Regional Program Manager

Summer Events

James Ballantyne May 12, 2014

It is that time of year again. At 9am EST/2pm BST the subsidized summer events will be available to purchase! Events sales will close at 9am EST/2pm BST on May 16th. Places are limited and sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. If there are still spaces… More

Bangor University- Mini Graduation

James Ballantyne May 9, 2014

Andrew Faas, the Regional Programmes Manager,  has recently visited Arcadia students at Bangor University for their mini graduation. Andrew, attended the mini-graduation ceremony that the university puts on for all departing exchange, Erasmus and study… More

HOST UK Homestay

James Ballantyne May 7, 2014

Meeting locals can be difficult. Here's your opportunity to experience British hospitality. Host UK is a charity organization that provides international students with the opportunity to spend a weekend inside a British home for free... Arcadia pays… More

Clubs and Societies

James Ballantyne May 2, 2014

This week we have been looking forward to summer, not only for the sun but for the summer semester.  We have given you advice from past students and budgeting tips. Today we are moving away from advice and into clubs and societies that are running at… More

Tips and Tricks: Budgeting

James Ballantyne April 30, 2014

Ah, budgeting. We all need to do it but it's just so tough, right? Well, it's only going to get tougher when you study abroad in the UK. Not only is can it be expensive but your first weeks will be full of exciting new things that you feel you absolutely… More

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