
Sara Sayeg


Student Services Officer

What is the CLC?

Sara Sayeg October 24, 2016

You might have heard this acronym during orientation or from a faculty member early on the term but what exactly is the CLC (or Co-Curricular Learning Certificate) and what is the incentive for participating in the programme?  Meaningful engagement outside… More

Life of the Mind - Gender Equality

Sara Sayeg September 20, 2016

The Life of the Mind series is an overarching prompt for engagement and reflection, a theme to connect all of our programs around the world, and this Fall term we will be introducing our new theme: Gender Equality.  Dr. Richard Maguire further describes… More

7 Best Clubs in London

Sara Sayeg September 7, 2016

This Fall semester, our London Center staff have loads of clubs on offer for you to get involved in! In fact, we have something for you every day of the week: Monday Arcadia England Book club This club brings together book worms from all across the… More

Free Orientation Events

Sara Sayeg September 1, 2016

As essential as it is, we know that orientation can be slightly dull at moments (like when you're struggling to stay awake through a long presentation and your large coffee just isn't kicking in). But, all PowerPoint slides aside, we do also have some… More

10 Things to Know Before Arrival

Sara Sayeg August 25, 2016

With the time drawing nearer to your arrival in the UK, you might find yourself feeling anxious and uneasy about not knowing what to expect. But don't get overwhelmed with all of the unknowns! Read through our pieces of advice that will help you prepare… More

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