
Sara Sayeg


Student Services Officer

Best things to do before you go

Sara Sayeg April 4, 2016

With the semester winding down we realise that, between preparing for finals, you are vigorously planning how to spend your final weeks abroad. That is why we've constructed a list of some of the best places to go and things to do in London. Some you… More

Will the real Dalton please stand up!

Sara Sayeg April 1, 2016

Today is April Fool's Day so we thought it would be fitting to get the background story on a mother who has been doing some pranking of her own! As you might have seen all over social media this week, Dalton, our University of Westminster Direct Enroll… More

Rocks in Stonehenge & Showers in Bath

Sara Sayeg March 29, 2016

This past weekend we took our students to visit Stonehenge, an ancient site with so many unanswered questions. Who constructed Stonehenge? Why was it created? Was it a burial ground? Was it aliens? The world may never know! What makes Stonehenge so interesting… More

Talk of the Town! - Film-making with Andrew Steggall

Sara Sayeg March 16, 2016

This past Tuesday we hosted our final Talk of the Town! of the semester and were thrilled to have another great turn out. It was a truly wonderful evening and there were many great questions from both students and staff about Andrew Steggall's film, Departure… More

Making The Most of Reading Week

Sara Sayeg February 25, 2016

With Reading Week right around the corner, many of you will be finalising details on your upcoming travel plans (yes, we're aware not everyone will be spending quality time in the library this week). But whether you're all sorted or you're scrambling… More

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