
Sara Sayeg


Student Services Officer

Top Travel Tips

Sara Sayeg December 31, 2015

We all hope you are just excited for your arrival to the UK  as we are! As you prepare to make the journey across the pond (and finish up that last minute packing), be sure to keep these tips in mind. 1. You don't have to bring EVERYTHING with you  Everything… More

Intern Feature: Devin D.

Sara Sayeg December 21, 2015

Many thanks to Devin D. from Messiah College, who has kindly shared his reflection upon his internship this past semester and all he has gained from the experience. This past semester, I was placed with a small film company in Soho. It was my first… More

Top 20 things to do in London

Sara Sayeg November 25, 2015

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford." - Samuel Johnson Our staff certainly aren't tired of London, even after years of living here! Here's some of our favourite spots around the city that… More

London Intern Feature: Nicole D.

Sara Sayeg October 16, 2015

Since September, students on our London Internship Programme have been hard at work making the most of their placements. We have been lucky enough to have an intern speak first-hand about her experience at a performing arts centre. Take it away, Nicole… More

How to Keep the British Pounds in Your Pocket

Sara Sayeg September 29, 2015

“Nothing is certain in London but expense.” William Shenstone might have said this in 1743, but it still rings true today. As incredible as London is, it can also be incredibly expensive if you don’t keep an eye on your spending. Here are some of the… More

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