Pieces of advice from past students

Sara Sayeg January 12, 2016

This past Fall we asked our students what piece of advice they would share with future students. Below you will find their tips and tricks for making the most of your time here. Read what they have to say and take it to heart - after all, they were just… More

Arcadia Clubs

Natalie Crown December 29, 2015

Arcadia clubs are curated and led by Arcadia staff and give you an opportunity to engage with the local culture. While all of our students will have access to a number of clubs and societies, either through one of our partner institutions or through Student… More

Top 20 things to do in London

Sara Sayeg November 25, 2015

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford." - Samuel Johnson Our staff certainly aren't tired of London, even after years of living here! Here's some of our favourite spots around the city that… More

This week's news round-up

David Crout November 3, 2015

Travel Tips This week, we're all about the travel, with mid-semester breaks looming. So, here you are in the UK, gateway to Europe. So close, yet so expensive. Whilst you came here to study first and foremost (obv) but with Paris, Barcelona and Prague… More

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