To Be or Not to Be a Creative

Feature & Travel Writing June 22, 2018

By Lauren Arcangeli, Nathan Minns and Erin Cassidy Making a Living as an Artist in North London The only indication of Zoe Norfolk’s high profile work was her small silver camera necklace draped around her neck. She has been an independent contractor… More

World Cup Fever

Thomas Crosby June 12, 2018

“Three Lions on a shirt, Jules Rimet still Gleaming…” Still upset about the US not qualifying for the World Cup? Need a team to support? Then look no further than getting behind England as we look to end 52 years of hurt. The birthplace of football… More

Keeping Up with the Locals

Feature & Travel Writing June 11, 2018

By Emily Nagel Like a group of kindergarteners or a herd of cattle, my fellow students and I jolt through the Archway tube station. We feed our cards through machines and stumble onto the shockingly fast and dizzying escalator. I stand on the left, clinging… More

Snap, Share & Win with our Summer Competition

Kati Cooper June 11, 2018

We have no doubt that you will make amazing memories during your time studying in England this summer.   When sharing your favourite snapshots on social media, keep in mind our photo competition and the chance to win a $50 Amazon e-voucher! Photo Competition You… More

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