What's Your Summer Story?

Dr. Peter Leuner July 28, 2015

The last few weeks have probably vanished in a flash. Think back on all the anxieties you managed to overcame, the challenges you met, the precious knowledge you’ve gained by living/working/studying in London. Now's a good time to start thinking what… More

Summer on an Island

Dr. Peter Leuner June 2, 2015

Sound like a vacation? Well that’s not what you’ve signed up for: instead it’s summer school (with or without an internship) in London, but you’ll still be on a relatively small island that is home to nearly 60 million and encompasses 3 countries (England… More

Going Home!

Dr. Peter Leuner April 15, 2015

Sunny, warm days at last are here in London – just in time for the stress of exams, essays and assignments: here’s the summative proof that your semester abroad is coming to an end – and quickly! You’re days away from “re-entry” and seeing loved ones… More

Spring, Parks and Pizza

Dr. Peter Leuner March 16, 2015

If you’ve popped into the Center in the last couple of weeks, you may have noticed an unusual traffic pattern: Center-based programs were on Reading Week break and we were hosting a succession of visitors from US campuses stretching from California to… More

Meet the Director and Then...Take a Walk!

Dr. Peter Leuner February 25, 2015

We're creeping up to the semester halfway mark.... so I’d like you to take stock and let me know what highlights stand out for you, what you wish you'd known before you arrived and what you still have to do…. all helped along by pizza, etc. By the way… More

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