Dr. Maguire Wins Award for Teaching Excellence

James Ballantyne April 24, 2015

We are very proud to share the news that Dr. Richard Maguire, one of our core faculty has won an excellence award for his teaching. Dr. Maguire plays a key role in the success of the London Center shown by his engaged and energetic classes each and every… More

Going Home!

Dr. Peter Leuner April 15, 2015

Sunny, warm days at last are here in London – just in time for the stress of exams, essays and assignments: here’s the summative proof that your semester abroad is coming to an end – and quickly! You’re days away from “re-entry” and seeing loved ones… More

Spring '15 Competition Winners

Natalie Crown April 9, 2015

Yes. It is time to announce the champions of the Spring semester 2015. The competition has been incredibly tough this year. Tears have been shed, shouting matches have commenced...but we are now decided. If you see your name attached to the words WINNER… More

Russell is not Square

David Crout April 1, 2015

As you're probably aware, Russell Square in Bloomsbury was renamed recently in honour of our own Director of Operations, Russell Peplow, in return for his many years of selfless service to the local community. Known for his compassion, tireless charitable… More

Spring, Parks and Pizza

Dr. Peter Leuner March 16, 2015

If you’ve popped into the Center in the last couple of weeks, you may have noticed an unusual traffic pattern: Center-based programs were on Reading Week break and we were hosting a succession of visitors from US campuses stretching from California to… More

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