Windsor Castle

Natalie Crown March 13, 2015

After Edinburgh, our next excursion is a trip to Windsor Castle. The trip itself has sold out, but if any of you are still interested in visiting the Student Life team will be happy to advise you on getting yourselves there. And, as always, keep your… More

Exam Prep Session

James Ballantyne March 3, 2015

With exams just around the corner we are running a Exam Prep session for all students on Arcadia programmes, this includes direct enroll. This session will help you devise strategies for your upcoming examinations, including advice on how to compose… More

Meet the Director and Then...Take a Walk!

Dr. Peter Leuner February 25, 2015

We're creeping up to the semester halfway mark.... so I’d like you to take stock and let me know what highlights stand out for you, what you wish you'd known before you arrived and what you still have to do…. all helped along by pizza, etc. By the way… More

Talk of the Town! - NFL in Europe

Natalie Crown February 10, 2015

The first Talk of the Town! was a roaring success, wasn't it? Well, whether you were one of the many that attended that event or not, you'll want to come along to the second installment of the series for sure. As before, you must email london@arcadia… More

Life of the Mind: Rhythms of the World

Natalie Crown January 22, 2015

Over orientation, a number of our students wandered down to the West End to watch Stomp. This musical event was part of our Life of the Mind: Rhythms of the World series. Next week, our first Talk of the Town! focuses on poetry within London. And then… More

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