Remembering One Hundred Years since the Great War

Thomas Crosby November 9, 2018

On Sunday, citizens from across the UK and Commonwealth will gather to observe Remembrance Day. This weekend’s event is of special importance as we will mark one hundred years since the conclusion of the Great War. What is it all about? The Great War/First… More

How to Study Write...

Lucy Bent October 16, 2018

As the semester is approaching the halfway mark, we’ve got a run-down of the support and study spaces available to help you achieve academic success! ARCADIA LONDON’S WRITING CENTER Open to all students enrolled in study-abroad Arcadia programs in… More

Orientation - What to Expect

Kati Cooper August 29, 2018

With the time drawing nearer to your arrival in the UK (some of you may have already arrived!), you might find yourself feeling anxious and uneasy about not knowing what to expect.To help you feel at ease, read on to get a glimpse of what your first few… More

Summer 18 Photo and Video Competition Winners!

Lucy Bent August 1, 2018

After sifting through some truly amazing entries, we've chosen the winners of the Arcadia London Summer 2018 photo competition! The photos give a great insight into students' adventures during their study abroad, so take a look. Congratulations to the… More

Explore the UK & Beyond! Fall 18 Events

Kati Cooper July 25, 2018

This Fall we are travelling to all corners of the United Kingdom, from the Welsh coast to Hadrian’s Wall near the border of Scotland. Get a feel for England’s rich Roman history with a trip to the Roman Baths, or see the real thing on our trip to Rome… More

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