Fall 2022 Photo and Video Competition Winners

Paris Hyman December 8, 2022

Announcing our Fall 22 photo and video competition winners! A massive thank you all for submitting your photos and videos for our Fall 22 Photo and Video Competition. We love to see the memorable moments captured whilst on your study abroad program with… More

Summer 22 Photo and Video Competition Winners

Paris Hyman August 22, 2022

A massive congratulation to our competiton winners! Thank you all for submitting your photos and videos for our Summer 22 Photo and Video Competition. We love to see how you capture moments to remember, as you engage with your study abroad programs and… More

Spring 22 Photo and Video Competition Winners

Paris Hyman May 6, 2022

Thank you all for submitting your photos and videos for our Spring 22 Photo and Video Competition. The standard this semseter was very high, so much so that it was difficult to select our winners. If you did not get selected please do not be discouraged… More

Enter Our Spring Photo Competition!

Paris Hyman April 8, 2022

It's been amazing having you here. The time has flown by, as we watch the semester draw to a close. I'm sure you've collected a whole reel of unforgettable memories.  Enter our Spring 22 photo and video competition for the chance to win a $20 Amazon… More

Snap, Share & Win with our Fall Photo Competition

Kati Cooper November 26, 2019

We have no doubt that you have made amazing memories during your time studying in England & Wales this Fall.   When sharing your favourite snapshots on social media, keep in mind our photo competition and the chance to win a $50 Amazon e-voucher! Photo… More

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