We are looking forward to welcoming you to the UK in September! To help you make the most of your time here, we offer a series of subsidised and free excursions to suit all budgets and interests, from afternoon visits to lesser-known London gems to weekend… More
It's very common, at this point in the semester, for students to feel a bit low. The novelty of being in a new, exciting country has worn off, and all of the UK's little idiosyncrasies stop being quirky and start being irritating. The weather is cold… More
HOST is a scheme that sends students all over the UK to spend a weekend with a British host and get a real taste of British life. Trinity University student Merriam Scafide (Queen Mary, Fall '23) recently went to Weymouth, on England's south coast, so… More
Each semester, we plan an excursions programme to suit a range of interests and budgets and to help you explore the UK (and beyond!) All trips will be led by Arcadia staff.
Our Student Services Coordinator Brandon Winston Lawal introduces what we have… More
When we think about mental health, we often tend to think about "bad" mental health. We think about depression, anxiety, OCD and other diagnostic terms, rather than the fact that mental health is a spectrum, and that we are all somewhere on that spectrum… More
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