Foster Donnell - Lost in London

Natalie Crown January 28, 2015

Today we are excited to feature Foster Donnell's words. Foster is studying at Westminster University for his semester with us, and is chronicling his study abroad experience over at his personal blog. Keep an eye out for any of his future thoughts. but… More

Cabinet War Rooms

David Crout January 27, 2015

Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms takes you back to life as it was during the darkest periods of World War II. But don't let put you off, out of all the trips we offer, this is one of my favourites.   The government adjourned from the nearby Cabinet Office… More

Life of the Mind: Rhythms of the World

Natalie Crown January 22, 2015

Over orientation, a number of our students wandered down to the West End to watch Stomp. This musical event was part of our Life of the Mind: Rhythms of the World series. Next week, our first Talk of the Town! focuses on poetry within London. And then… More

Arcadia Clubs

David Crout January 19, 2015

Now that you are getting settled in to life in London, and all around the UK, you may be turning your attention to your day to day plans. Your options are plentiful, and may even seem a little overwhelming. So we figure we’ll give you even more choices… More

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