Ruby Zenteno - Meeting Nick Danziger

James Ballantyne March 10, 2014

When students come to study with us, we like to think we give them a chance to experience inspirational opportunities. This was certainly the case when, Ruby Zenteno, a FYSAE student at the London Center went to a presentation by photojournalist, Nick… More

FYSAE Alumni - Stephanie Feinburg

James Ballantyne March 7, 2014

Here at the London Center we love to hear from our alumni, especially when they have had a great time with us. This is exactly what happened when we got in touch with Stephanie Feinburg. Stephanie was with us on the FYSAE program in Spring 13 and as you… More

Phil Cable - Student Services Officer

James Ballantyne March 3, 2014

Today we caught up with our very own Phil Cable to talk all things Arcadia, music and quotes. Tell us a little bit about your role... As Senior Student Services Officer I look after most aspects of student life apart from the Academic side! This can… More

Marisa and Ruby - Women In Journalism

James Ballantyne February 28, 2014

Marisa Kling I would first like to say that I feel so grateful and privileged to have had the opportunity to attend this Women in Journalism event at the Trinity Mirror. When I first signed up for the event, I imagined that it would be a small gathering… More

Rachel Hirschhaut - Wales Weekend

James Ballantyne February 26, 2014

  Well, not one minute of this reading week was wasted.  I went from running around the most vibrant parts of the city with my family, to taking a refreshing weekend away from civilization with 40 other Arcadia London classmates in the Preseli Mountains… More

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