10 Things to Know Before Arrival

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


August 25, 2016

With the time drawing nearer to your arrival in the UK, you might find yourself feeling anxious and uneasy about not knowing what to expect.

But don't get overwhelmed with all of the unknowns! Read through our pieces of advice that will help you prepare for you upcoming semester abroad! 

  1. You don't need to pack your entire wardrobe 
    Everything you need or might need, can be bought in the UK. This is particularly important to note with regards to bulky items, such as bedding, towels and the like. Allow yourself more room in your suitcase and buy these after you arrive.

    Also, remember that voltages are different here so unless you don't mind destroying your hair dryers or straighteners, then leave them at home! We will show you the best places to purchase cheap ones, and you can always split the cost with your roommates.
  2. Orientation is important! (No, we aren't just saying that)
    The information we deliver at orientation will be incredibly helpful throughout your time here, especially in the early stages when you're trying to find your way around. Plus, we will cover everything you need to know, from how to navigate academics in the UK to how to get the cheapest flight to Paris!

    We know you will be jet-lagged but try your best to stay awake, pay attention, and take notes. Trust us, it will be worth it in the long run!
  3. It will be tempting to splash the cash
    When you first arrive in the UK, you'll want to see and do everything. But before you immediately empty your bank account, take a minute to pause. You have plenty of time to stop and do your research to ensure you get the best deals. This applies to whether you're looking for a day trip or deciding on dinner. Also, be sure to use our budgeting tips that we've put together just for you!
  4. A lot can change when you cross the Atlantic
    We may speak the same language, but there are still several differences between the two countries that you will discover within the first few days of being here. With this change in environment, you may have some feelings of displacement and homesickness (also called culture shock) but they will fade as you adapt and learn more about your new home.
  5. Feeling nervous is normal!

    The majority of people get those pesky nervous butterflies before starting a new school or meeting someone for the first time. However, once you feel more comfortable in your new environment or with a new person, those nerves begin to fade away. 

    The same idea applies to studying abroad. It is completely normal to feel a little uneasy before departure because you aren't sure what to expect! But once you become familiar with your new surroundings and get into a routine you'll be feeling like a local in no time at all.

  6. You might adapt quicker than you expect

    Right now, it might be hard to imagine a world where you won't have access to your favorite food or where people spell "favorite" with a "u".

    You might expect to spend all of your time abroad missing the little things you’re used to, but odds are you'll be far too busy exploring and traveling and meeting new people!

    In fact, you may even find yourself using the British spelling or finding a new favorite food that you can only get here! 

  7. Keep up-to-date on current events
    Be politically aware before your arrival. Brits will talk about America even more than usual with the upcoming election. Keeping up with the news will prevent awkward moments and you may make British friends through discussion! 
  8. New city, new germs
    Exposure to a new environment and other students is likely to make you more susceptible to illness. Bring some Vitamin C tablets and ibuprofen along to aid you. It is also a good idea to wash your hands or use sanitizer after using public transport.
  9. Stay in the loop
    Keep up to date with everything happening around the London Centre and further afield throughout the term by following us on social media:
  10. Make sure you've covered everything!
    Have you read through the Know Before You Go information? Check it out for more answers and advice for your study abroad experience.

We look forward to meeting you in a few weeks!


Student Life