7 Best Clubs in London

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


September 7, 2016

This Fall semester, our London Center staff have loads of clubs on offer for you to get involved in! In fact, we have something for you every day of the week:


Arcadia England Book club

This club brings together book worms from all across the UK! Each month a new book will be set, along with a date to get together and discuss it.

The group will meet on the first Monday of each month and will also hold a discussion on the club's Facebook group - so if you can’t join us in person, you can still join in online! Contact Emma Grant for more information!


Free London

Studying abroad can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be! Each Tuesday we will reveal free and inexpensive things to do, see and eat in London on our Fall Facebook group.


This list wouldn't be complete without some kind of sport. Phil Cable is here to cater to all of your sporting needs...sort of. This club does not play sports, rather it discusses them! 

Talk Sport is split into two parts:

  1. The club will meet on Tuesday afternoons and alternate between the London Center and a nearby pub. Each week, the society will discuss and debate about what is currently going on in UK sport - often highlighting differences within sport culture between the UK and the US. 
  2. The second part is 'Challenge Phil'. Once a week Phil will send out a list of selected fixtures for the coming week. You can then pit your wits against Phil by guessing the results. Each week there will be points won depending on how many results you guess correctly and throughout the semester there will be a league table. Challenge Phil takes place online, so you can get involved wherever you are in the country - as long as you have joined the Facebook group! And why wouldn't you get involved when there is a prize to be won?


Creative Writing Club

Our Assistant Academic Officer, Natalie Crown, is a published author, having released her first book, The Wolf's Cry, in 2014. While she continues work on the follow-ups, she is looking forward to talking all things books with you!

This is not an academic workshop. It is intended as some fun for all book-lovers out there. Whether you are already a writer, or if you simply fancy trying it out, this group is for you. The idea is that there are no constraints to your imagination. This group will meet every Wednesday. 


Green Club

Need some greenery in your scenery? If you're in London, you may find yourself yearning for trees and leaves, but did you know that half of London is green space? (We were surprised too!) Each Thursday the Green Club will introduce you to hidden and not so hidden green spaces of the city.

Pub Club

For centuries the public house has been at the centre of British culture as an important cultural hub. It's no wonder that so many events of historical and cultural interest have taken place huddled over a pint or two.

Join Dr. Morgan Daniels as we examine this place where British culture and history come together as we visit a handpicked list of public houses where books have been written and revolutionised. Bring money for a pint (or whichever drink you'd like)!


Animal Lovers Club

Do you miss your pet(s) back at home? Is your news feed full of cute animal videos? Do you secretly like animals more than people? 

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then this club is for you! On Friday afternoons throughout the semester, we will be venturing out to find London's most cuddly creatures. Contact Sara Sayeg for more information! 

You will be able to sign up for all of these clubs at our Freshers' Fair - keep your eye on the Fall Facebook group for details!