CLC - Co-Curricular Learning Certificate

Natalie Crown Assistant Academic Officer


February 11, 2016

One of the most important and, potentially, challenging aspects of the study-abroad experience is engaging meaningfully with the host culture. Arcadia’s Co-curricular Learning Certificate offers students a formalized way in which to participate in British life beyond the classroom and, though you will not receive credit for it, the certificate will appear on your transcript.


In addition to gaining an enhanced understanding of British history and culture, students who enroll in the CLC programme receive formal certification of their intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm for new experiences. These traits are extremely attractive to potential employers, but are often difficult to quantify. The CLC is therefore an excellent asset in the building of a strong resume.

Imagine you are at a job interview and you are asked about your study abroad experience. Instead of rambling about how wonderful it was, you have a ready made topic to discuss via the CLC. Not only will this help you direct your own thoughts, but it will make your answer stand out in comparison to others without the certificate.

The CLC is coordinated by Dr Laurence Scott, who has a keen interest in British culture. As a graduate of MA and PhD programmes in Comparative Literature, Dr Scott is passionate about the programme and is keen to boast about the good work students have written for their projects.


Students typically choose from one of seven themes, but they may also pitch their own theme to the CLC coordinator for approval. Each theme has three required activities, which comprise a mix of institutional learning (e.g. relevant museums) and self-directed research. Once they have a solid understanding of their theme from the three required components, students will choose the fourth ‘wildcard’ activity themselves, with the coordinator providing additional guidance where necessary.

Students can gain a range of knowledge from the CLC programme, with ready-made topics including The River Thames, London at War, Sports and British Food and Culture. The level of work is often very high, shown in the example below.


Past Arcadia Study Abroad student, Alejandra Lee, discussed her love for food whilst writing her final project on British Food and Culture, which incorporated her travels to Paris.

It’s safe to say Alejandra wasn't a fan of Britain’s most famous dishes; she described London’s fish and chips as tasting of ‘nothing at all’. Though she wasn't impressed by the fish and chips, Alejandra went on to describe her meals out in London as ‘amazing’ and ‘the best’. This said London’s food was no match to what she had in Paris which included pastries, crème brulee and crepes. Along with the written piece Alejandra took some great photos which complimented her description brilliantly.

Perhaps you love food, and want to spend your CLC time tasting different cuisines. Perhaps you love history, or sport, or helping the environment. Whatever your interests, the CLC is ready to accommodate you.

Your own creative input is actively encouraged, and we hope that all of our students will take part in this fantastic programme. If you would like to know more about the CLC, please contact Dr Laurence Scott at