London's Calling

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


May 19, 2016

The time is drawing near. Before you know it you will be arriving in London and ready to take on the city!

...But first comes the half-exciting, half-overwhelming bit...preparing for your trip. We know there's lots of unknowns: what to pack, what not to pack, what to expect? The list goes on.

Believe us, we know it can be stressful but if you follow these tips, you will feel confident and ready for your summer abroad in no time!

  1. You Don't Have To Bring Everything With You
    Everything you need or might need, can be bought in London. This is particularly important to note with regards to bulky items, such as bedding, towels and the like. Allow yourself more room in your suitcase and buy these when you get here. And don't worry, we will show you the best places to get them!
  2. Voltages are Different Here
    If you don't want to risk destroying your hair dryer or your straighteners, don't bring them! You can always purchase cheap ones once you get here and split the cost with your flat-mates.
  3. Don't Zone Out!
    The information we deliver at orientation will be incredibly helpful throughout your time here, especially in the early stages when you try and find your way around. Pay attention. Take notes. It will be worth it in the long run!
  4. Pause Before You Spend
    When you first arrive, you'll want to do everything. But before you immediately empty your bank account, take a minute to pause. You have plenty of time to stop and do your research and ensure you get the best deals, whether you're looking for a day trip or deciding on dinner. Also, be sure to use our budgeting tips that we've put together just for you!
  5. Be Prepared for Culture Shock
    We may speak the same language, but there are still several differences between the US and the UK. With this change, you may have some feelings of displacement and homesickness but they will fade as you adapt, and learn more about your new home.
  6. Ask Questions
    Arcadia staff are here to support you and help with whatever you need. Don't be afraid to ask for advice directly.
  7. App-Solutely Download...
    Getting around a new city can be daunting at the best of times. Add jet lag and winding London streets to the mix and it's just plain overwhelming. Be sure to download these apps to your iPhone and Android:
    1. CityMapper - This brilliant app tells you the best way to get around, on all modes of transport. It even tells you how much each journey costs so you can keep an eye on your budget. This app is so good, several of the London Center staff swear by it.
    2. Moovit - Similar to CityMapper, this app is a journey planner app but can be used across the UK.
  8. Stay Social
    Keep up to date with everything happening around London and our centre throughout the summer:
  9. More Advice
    Have you read through the Know Before You Go information? Check it out for more answers and advice for your study abroad experience.

We look forward to meeting you! Safe travels to London!


Student Life