Must-Have Apps for Study Abroad

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


August 15, 2016

We all have apps that make life easier and more fun. Whatsapp, Snapchat, Pokemon Go... the list is endless!

Apps are also very useful while you're abroad, which is why we've made a list of apps that will make your experience in the UK just a bit better. From budgeting to travel to academics, these apps have all you need to make your time here go as smoothly as it can be!

  1. Citymapper
    Getting around a new city can be difficult at the best of times. Add jet lag and winding London streets and it's just plain overwhelming. Be sure to download Citymapper and never get lost again - our London Center staff swear by it!
  2. XE Currency
    Keeping track of your money while abroad can be tricky, let alone when you're using different currencies. The XE Currency app helps you convert your dollars to pounds (and loads of other currencies) and displays live exchange rates.
  3. VoucherCodes
    Being on a budget doesn't mean your diet has to consist solely of pasta or that you have to buy the supermarket's shampoo brand. With VoucherCodes, you have access to hundreds of money-saving deals at your fingertips. The app also shows where the nearest deals are to you!
  4. SelfControl
    This app takes away all of those distractions on your Mac (OS X), including websites (looking at you, Facebook), mail servers, and anything else online. All you do is set up a 'blacklist' and SelfControl blocks them for a set period of time. A great app for all you procrastinators.
  5. ExamTime
    Whether at your home university or abroad, finals are both stressful and time-consuming. Organization is key to successfully prepare for your finals, and that is where ExamTime comes into play. This clever app combines mind maps, flashcards, quizzes and timetabling to help you revise effectively and makes studying a little less daunting!
  6. Mint
    This helpful tool keeps track of your spending habits (you might be shocked when you see how much you're actually spending at Starbucks each week!). The Mint app automatically pulls all of your financial information into one place and makes it easy manage your money. You can also enter and categorise cash transactions, so make sure to hold on to those receipts.
  7. Time Out
    The Time Out app keeps you up to date with all that is going on in the major cities across the UK. This app is great to have in your pocket for those "what shall we do?" moments. It's a one-stop-shop for everything: from restaurants and nightlife, to film and music events happening that week. In fact, Time Out is another favorite among the London Center Staff, with some visiting its website daily to plan their next social activity!
  8. 1 Second Everyday
    When you're studying abroad everyday is an adventure and the 1 Second Everyday app helps you to document your stories in a punchy and exciting way. Film a video each day and use the app to stitch together one second snippets to make your own movie. It is a brilliant way to remember the fun you had whilst abroad. It's exactly what our student, Kaitlyn Brunner, decided to do this past Spring! Check out her wonderful 1 Second Everyday video.

    Also, look out for the London Center's 1 Second Everyday video competition for your chance to win a $50 Amazon voucher!

All of the apps we've listed are free to download! Why not try them out before you arrive?
