Pieces of advice from past students

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


January 12, 2016

This past Fall we asked our students what piece of advice they would share with future students. Below you will find their tips and tricks for making the most of your time here. Read what they have to say and take it to heart - after all, they were just in your shoes a few months ago.

  • It is so important to use your time wisely - the semester can get very busy! But also enjoy yourself and don't wish any of your time away.
  • Don't be apprehensive when it comes to travelling and attending events alone. It's the best way to meet new people.

Enjoy each and every day, even the little things. Take things in. Time goes quicker than you think."

  • Don't procrastinate! Plan and stay ahead.
  • Take risks and step out of your comfort zone; before you know it, it'll be your last week and you'll wish you had done it!
  • Be open minded, try new things whether it be activities, food, going to new places. It's the perfect opportunity to meet loads of new people from all over the world. Enjoy each and every day, even the little things. Take things in. Time goes quicker than you think.
  • Plan your trips early, it costs less!
  • Figure out and use the bus system; it's much cheaper than taking cabs.
  • The exchange rate and cost of living can sneak up on you. Be conservative with your money (especially during the first couple weeks when you're more tempted to go out and spend it) so that you can afford to do more travelling.

Take advantage of the innumerable free museums, attractions, and events around London!"

  • Keep a list of things you'd like to do before the semester ends. Don't waste a weekend!
  • Make lots of travel plans for weekends in advance, but also leave some weekends open to see all that London has to offer.
  • Go to Arcadia's free events and sponsored trips, they are incredible, and not something to miss.
  • Take advantage of the innumerable free museums, attractions, and events around London! Galleries, English Heritage Sites, parks, etc are a great way to explore and learn about the city, have fun, and pick up new interests.
  • Be positive and surround yourself with positive people. If you're hanging around people who are negative then all your experiences will be too.
  • Enjoy the little things in your surroundings. Take time to notice the differences in British pronunciation (some you might not expect!) and brands found in your local supermarket.
  • Don't hold back! You never know when you'll get this opportunity again.