Student Spotlight: Meet Chelsea!

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


February 3, 2016

Due to her enthusiasm, positive attitude, and engagement both in and out of the classroom, Chelsea has been nominated to be the first recipient of our Student Spotlight Award. We had the chance to speak with her and find out more about her study abroad experience so far.

What has been the highlight of your time In London?

I went to a Hozier concert this past weekend and it was such an amazing experience because I've never heard him live before and he's a great performer. I went by myself, which was kind of scary, but it really pushed me to go out and make friends with locals and I was able to get a feel of the city without being in a huge group with Americans. It ended up working out well because the people I hung out with at the show asked me to go to another concert with them this coming week!

What has been the most challenging?

I think the most challenging part is that I don't have much free time, so my weekends are packed full of things to do or places to go and I don't have much time for homework (which will be really interesting once I have something that's due).

What are you planning for your CLC?

Well, I originally thought of doing something in fashion, but I might end up writing about theatre instead. I have already been to five shows and have more in mind that I would like to attend. So far, I've seen Billy Elliot, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, Matilda, Wicked, The Master Builder and I have plans to see Les Miserables and Red Velvet. I desperately want to see some Shakespeare plays and a few other musicals so hopefully I will have time to fit that in. I'm still trying to figure out what to write but I'm still getting in some great theater, either way!

Where are you going for Host UK?

I've been assigned Cornwall, which is a small county on the southern coast of England. I've heard there are many beautiful beaches there, so I'm hoping I'll be able to go in late March or early April when it will be a little warmer. I think it will be really fun to see a different side of England other than just the big city.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish during your time abroad?

I would really love to get a job here for after graduation (May 2016) but I also just want to get the most out of this experience between my classes and internship.

Where is your favourite place in London?

The Royal Star, it's my go-to pub by Thoresby.

any Interesting upcoming activities?

The office where I intern is having a Valentines Day celebration centered around the show Take Me Out, which is essentially a reality dating show. We will be setting up our own office version of the game show and I have volunteered to be one of the participants. It should be very interesting. I'll also be gone every weekend in February for trips to France, Wales, Netherlands, Ireland and Italy.

Thanks so much Chelsea! Keep up the great work!