Tips for First-Time Study Abroad Students


August 5, 2016

Nicollette has recently joined the team at the Arcadia London Center as the Center Coordinator. She is a graduate from Arcadia University who has studied abroad in London twice. Once as part of the Arcadia First Year Study Abroad Program and then later as a direct enroll at City University.

We asked Nicollette if based on her experience she could share her best bits of advice with us, for students coming to study abroad in London for the first time in the Fall.

As a FYSAE alum, I’ve got some tips to share with you soon-to-be Londoners. These are just some things I wish I had known prior to going abroad my first time...

  1. Bring toothpaste and other toiletries onto the flight. Your airline probably won’t supply these items and by the time you land, you won’t be feeling so fresh.
  2. Understand your credit card charges/fees before going abroad. An overdrawn bank account is not a pleasant surprise.
  3.  Start planning your trips to Paris and Rome right away to get the cheapest deals.
  4. When buying tickets, be aware of the date you select to avoid wrong bookings. 10/06/16 is October 6 in America, but in Europe it’s June 10.
  5. Take advantage of the bus! The tube is really easy to use, but utilizing the bus allows you to discover places you wouldn’t have seen before.
  6. Don’t be afraid to journey alone – a walk in the park or exploring a museum can be a great way to reflect.
  7. Follow the class syllabus!!! It will seem as though you won’t have to worry about assignments for a long long time at the beginning of the semester, but trust me when I say the workload can overwhelm you very quickly.
  8. Bring your student ID card with you everywhere to get discounts.
  9. Keep a blog or a journal. You’ll be able to remember your experience a lot more by writing than by only posting pictures on Instagram.
  10. Take it easy! Don’t stress out too much if things go unexpectedly during your time abroad – it’s just an opportunity for a new adventure!

The tips don’t end here…

Nicollette will be the first face you usually see as you enter the London Center and whether you need advice on mapping a route on the tube, or want recommendations on the best burger joint in London, she will gladly help you out!

Until you arrive, there is still a lot more information coming your way to help you get prepared! Keep your eyes on the Facebook group and look out for the next Countdown to Study Abroad email which will be in your inbox soon.