Valentines Day

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


February 12, 2014

Valentines day. Whether you love it or hate it, the day of love is just around the corner and there are plenty of ways to spread the love around London. We have found some various ways to spend Valentines Day in London. Some that are soppy and some that are far from soppy.

50 Kisses

Ever wondered what attending a film premiere would be like? Thanks to one of our London interns, Kayla Carraci, you can live the life of a star. For one night at least. London Screenwriters Festival, the organization that Kayla is interning at,  is organizing the premiere which is on Valentines day and you can go to it for just £20.  You can dress up in your best attire, have your picture taken as you walk the red carpet, and enjoy the show. On top of that, you get a 50 Kisses official poster and an invite to the after party! The film, 50 Kisses is a collaborative that has been produced by many directors across the world. Check out the trailer here.

Beards for Bouquets

Guys, if you are sporting a beard at the moment head over to Kings Cross Station to the pop-up barber-florist. Not sure what I am talking about? Wilkinson Sword, a razor company, are giving you the chance to exchange your beard for a bouquet of flowers. So surprise the girl your trying to impress with a new look and some flowers. Remember, the bigger the beard, the bigger the bouquet.

Tunnel of Love

Watching something on the big screen is exciting at the best of times. Add an awesome location, blankets and deck chairs and you're on to a winner! Under a disused railway arch in Vauxhall, the Tunnel of Love is set up from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th February. Showing a range of romantic and indie films The Tunnel of Love is a great way to spend a few hours this Valentines weekend.

Anti Valentines Day?

Do want to do everything you can to avid the soppiness of Valentines day? Bounce, the ping pong hall on Holborn, is having an Anti-Valentine's Day Party with various tournaments being played throughout the night. There is also UV Ping Pong, which if you haven't played before is a form of ping pong in the dark with UV bats and balls. It's great fun.

Whatever you are doing this Valentines day, have a great one!