
Mary McSwiney


Student Life Officer

Mary & Jodi's American Adventure

Mary McSwiney April 15, 2016

This week has been a particularly exciting time in the Arcadia Calendar – the annual new staff training trip to Glenside! Both myself and our new Irish Programmes Officer Jodi Killackey travelled to Arcadia University in Glenside, PA to touch base with… More

Farewell to the Parliamentary Interns

Mary McSwiney April 8, 2016

This Wednesday was the farewell meal for our Dublin Parliamentary Interns and I had the opportunity to chat with students about their experience. The Dublin Parliamentary Internship stands out as a truly fantastic and unique programme. Students split… More

1916 State Commemorations

Mary McSwiney April 1, 2016

This weekend marked the 100 year anniversary of the beginning of the Easter Rising and the pinnacle of the Ireland 2016 Centenary Commemorations. The commemorations began on Saturday with a ceremony in the Garden of Remembrance, and a special reception… More

Study abroad and your Career

Mary McSwiney March 29, 2016

From a career perspective, participating in study abroad will help with the most challenging part of entering the job market – something to talk about in interviews! No matter how fantastic you do in College, when it comes down to a job interview you… More

Easter in Ireland

Mary McSwiney March 21, 2016

This week is Easter, a very important time for the Irish calendar. Good Friday is the beginning of Easter weekend and is one of two days in Ireland where it is totally prohibited to sell alcohol (the other is Christmas Day). This is because Irish Catholics… More

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