Good News from Ireland

Gráinne Hand February 10, 2021

Yesterday on a College of Global Studies zoom call, a colleague mentioned that good news was almost difficult to absorb these days. He was of course putting this in context with all of the COVID updates we have been exposed to the last year. In Ireland… More

Wellness Wednesday: Return to School Self care

Gráinne Hand September 30, 2020

A few years ago I completed Mental Health First Aid training as an employee of the University. Since the training, they send out regular updates on mental health related topics and this week I would like to share some of those. In their recent update… More

Wellness Wednesday: Global LGBTQ Pride Event

Gráinne Hand June 24, 2020

The annual Pride event in Dublin is exactly as you see it in the picture above. This was taken by one of our Summer students, Loren Thomas who attended during her Summer programme in Dublin in 2019. This year, sadly the physical gathering of people in… More

Wellness Wednesday: The FOMO conversation

Gráinne Hand June 10, 2020

FOMO, the fear of missing out, was added to the Oxford dictionary in 2013 and is, according to many sources as “a feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out on something, as an event or an opportunity”. Back in March, before… More

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