Riverdance 25

Gráinne Hand July 12, 2022

I can still remember very well the first night of Riverdance. It was 1995, at the annual Eurovision and Irish dance was about to be revolutionized forever! An audience in the venue and in living rooms around Ireland and Europe were stunned and seduced… More

Fall 2019 Regional Weekend

Carly Harward November 15, 2019

One of the highlights of every semester is quickly becoming our Regional Weekend event! The Regional Weekend is a time where our centers in England, Scotland, and Ireland take turns in planning a co-curricular event which brings students from these locations… More

Killarney National Park Co-Curricular

Carly Harward October 11, 2019

Over this past weekend some of our students journeyed to the southwest of Ireland for our second co-curricular of the Fall 2019 semester! Students attending Arcadia programs all across the island of Ireland met and departed from Cork Saturday morning… More

Ancient East Co-Curricular

Carly Harward October 4, 2019

September 22 marked our first co-curricular of the Fall 2019 semester. Students from across the country met and departed from the Dublin Center that morning to drive to our neighboring country, Meath. Though a rainy day, we were heading to some of Ireland… More

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