Irish attractions on Lonely Planet must see list

Mary McSwiney August 19, 2015

The Lonely Planet’s list of the top 500 must see sights of all time are out and Ireland have six on the list! This world famous travel guide has listed several of the places we will be bringing students on co-curricular activities this semester: At… More

Fall '15 Events!

Mary McSwiney August 5, 2015

We have some excellent co-curricular activities planned for the Fall semester! Take a look at what's on offer within your program and other regions. Registration opens Wednesday August 12th at Noon (EST) in your Arcadia Passport. Regions! Important:… More

Farewell University of Kentucky!

Mary McSwiney July 20, 2015

It feels like yesterday this group arrived. I can’t believe it’s already time to say goodbye to our second summer custom group, from the University of Kentucky Lexington. Looking back over the past 4 weeks it’s not surprising that time has flown. It… More

Belfast City Tour and Titanic Center

Mary McSwiney June 30, 2015

I will always remember my first trip to Belfast in June 2000. I woke in the back of my parents' car after a very long journey, my first thought was ‘Is it St. Patrick’s day?!’ We’d driven down the famous Falls road, known for its strong Catholic Nationalist… More

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