Ancient East Co-Curricular

Carly Harward Student Life Officer


October 4, 2019

September 22 marked our first co-curricular of the Fall 2019 semester. Students from across the country met and departed from the Dublin Center that morning to drive to our neighboring country, Meath. Though a rainy day, we were heading to some of Ireland’s most sacred and ancient sites to embark on our Ancient East tour. Throughout our journey to each destination our guide explained the history of the land we were traveling through in both a historic and mythical way. 

We first made our way to Newgrange, a neolithic tomb that predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza. The exact purpose behind Newgrange is unknown, but our guide provided us with several theories and gave us the opportunity to come up with our own! She pointed out the window that sat above the entryway of Newgrange and explained that during the winter solstice, the sun shines directly through this window and illuminates the tomb. We were then led through a narrow passageway that opened into the heart of the tomb where the guide explained must have been a sacred location. Once inside, our guide demonstrated the winter solstice sunrise through the use of a bit of modern technology (a flashlight) to exhibit how spiritual and moving that moment is in such an intriguing and obviously significant location. 

Next we made our way to Trim Castle (featured in the film Braveheart) to tour the largest Norman Castle in Ireland. The students were guided through the castle to learn about the history and the construction of the structure. Luckily, the rain held off enough for students to go to the top of the castle and take in the breathtaking views from Trim Castle! If you haven’t been, you should definitely pay Trim Castle a visit!

Lastly, we made our way to the Hill of Tara which is an ancient ceremonial and burial site in Ireland. Our guide explained that it was the inauguration place and seat of the High Kinds of Ireland but also appears frequently in Irish mythology. The students were given the opportunity to wander around the grounds and view the Hill of Tara and a Holy Well. Additionally, students could visit the shops along the premises and even speak to a Druid! Though the weather was rather wet, it cleared at times to allow students to take in the moments of exploring three ancient sites in Ireland.