Summer Students Go West

Julie Daly Irish Programs Officer


July 10, 2024

This past weekend, 40 students from Arcadia’s Dublin Internship, Dublin STEM, and Limerick STEM programs made a visit to the Cliffs of Moher, along with a free evening to enjoy Galway and a pub lunch in Doolin. It was a rare occasion when going west in Ireland meant avoiding bad weather (Dublin had some serious rainfall in our absence) but we still saw our share of cloudbursts along with the sun - it wouldn't be the west of Ireland otherwise!

The Cliffs of Moher are famous, and rightly so. Every time we bring students I am struck by the beauty of the place - the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, the way you can see the weather moving over the ocean and the land. Standing at the very edge of the Atlantic it's truly an awe-inspiring spot. In the summertime local musicians come to play for the visitors along the cliff edge adding a special atmosphere to the natural beauty. For those interested in traditional music the weekend was full of possibility as Galway's streets and pubs are known for it.

Our summer students have been working hard, gaining practical experience for their degrees and future careers. Whether as interns in local businesses or through research projects in university laboratories, they have been part of the innovation and enterprise of modern Ireland. Hopefully our excursion to Galway and the Cliffs of Moher gave them a taste of Ireland's natural beauty and heritage to go with those experiences!

Interested to read more about the culture of the west of Ireland? Have a look at another of our blog posts, The 3 G's: Gaeilge, Gaeltacht & Gaillimh. And if you want to experience the real thing, read more about the programs Arcadia offers in Ireland.

