
Chiara Baldussi


Operations Officer

A Beach Volley game

Chiara Baldussi July 26, 2018

BY ILARIA D'ONOFRIO, PROGRAM ASSISTANT, SUMMER 2018 The 26th of June we went to play a beach volley game, to the Moon River Sports Association. This sport center is well-organized and well-stocked, in fact inside it you’ll find some beach volley courts… More

Festa della Musica 2018

Chiara Baldussi June 21, 2018

by matteo bellarasa, program assistant, Summer 2018 Music day in rome To celebrate music, Jack Lang, the French Minister of Culture, promoted along June Solstice La Fête de la Music (Music Day) in 1982. Was it more a chance to celebrate June Solstice… More

Natale di Roma

Chiara Baldussi April 21, 2017

Known as Natale di Roma, the annual birthday (2.770th) celebration is based on the legendary Foundation of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC. On the big day itself, April 21st, the Foundation of Rome is marked at the Circus Maximus in the afternoon with a number… More

Happy Easter and Passover

Chiara Baldussi April 14, 2017

Pasqua Pasqua or Easter is one of the biggest holidays on the Italian calendar. You will see colorful displays of chocolate eggs and bunnies in the shops. It is a time of religious parades and celebrations, and often the focus is a statue of Jesus or… More

Spring 2017 Events

Chiara Baldussi February 14, 2017

Our Spring Students are finally settling into their Italian life! Here is a selection of the best events offered to all our students. Basketball and Soccer TOURNAMENTS These are activities students generally can’t wait to take part to. In addition… More

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