
Chiara Baldussi


Operations Officer

Happy Birthday, Rome!

Chiara Baldussi April 21, 2016

Today Rome celebrates its 2769th! Known as Natale di Roma, the annual birthday celebration is based on the legendary foundation of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC. A novelty this year will be the switching on of a new lighting system at the Roman Fora of Nerva… More

April Events

Chiara Baldussi April 6, 2016

April is a great month for our extra-curricular activities! Check out the details below, and stay up-to-date through our Facebook Spring 16 group. Rome Marathon & 5K The Rome Marathon is an excellent opportunity to exercise while you do some sightseeing… More

Pasqua and Pasquetta

Chiara Baldussi March 27, 2016

Pasqua or Easter is one of the biggest holidays on the Italian calendar. Easter in Italy may look somewhat similar to Easter celebrations you’re used to. You will see colorful displays of chocolate eggs and bunnies in the shops. It is a time of religious… More

One week to go, Twenty things to do!

Chiara Baldussi December 10, 2015

Our students have been in Rome for about four months now, we hope that they managed to fully grasp the concept of living in Rome. The days have been full of wandering and exploring through the Eternal City, crossing the beautiful and narrow streets, eating… More

November Events

Chiara Baldussi November 3, 2015

We have some great events for November! Check out the details below and stay up-to-date through our Facebook group.  Coppelia Ballet Coppélia, a mechanical doll made by the toy-maker Dr. Coppelius, is so life-like that some believe she is his daughter… More

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