Reflecting on 2020 in a Scottish garden

Joan Haig September 15, 2020

As I watch the first signs of seasonal change in my garden (what North Americans may call my back yard) – copper-coloured beech trees dropping leaves, irises and hollyhocks dying back – I reflect on how lucky I am to have direct access to the outdoors… More

Two Great Speeches!

Dr. Hamish Thompson July 3, 2020

As July 4th 2020 approaches, I want to blog about two great and historic speeches. The first was given in 1828 by a founder of the feminist movement, orator, advocator for women's rights, abolitionist and defender of rights for all. Frances Wright was… More

Scotland, America, and the Beautiful Game

Cameron McKay June 10, 2020

Anyone who has spent time in Scotland, be it for a study abroad programme or a vacation, will have been struck by how much we care about football, and when I say football I mean football, or fitba, but never soccer! Due to the Covid-19 outbreak no professional… More

Confronting Scotland’s Racist Past

Cameron McKay June 5, 2020

A key component of Scottish national identity is the belief that we are a tolerant country. Racism is thought to be less common in Scotland than in other parts of Britain, with one 2011 study finding that positive attitudes towards immigrants were amongst… More

Creative writing when staying at home

Joan Haig May 29, 2020

At the end of March, as Arcadia’s students were packing their bags to return home and preparing to move their studies online in response to the global pandemic, children around Scotland were making a shift to virtual learning. Schools in Scotland will… More

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