Highlands Activity Weekend

Fraser Bryden February 28, 2018

This past weekend saw students come together for a weekend of hiking, biking, dancing and kayaking in the Scottish Highlands. It takes a hardy type of individual to agree to sign up to go to the Highlands at the end of February; Scotland isn’t exactly… More

Scotland and Brexit Update!

Dr. Hamish Thompson February 20, 2018

A lot has occurred since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in June 2016. Nearly a year ago, Theresa May (the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) blocked the Scottish Parliament majority vote for holding a second Scottish independence… More

February Happenings Across Scotland

Emily Goetsch February 2, 2018

All of our students have arrived in Scotland and are settled in universities in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews and Stirling.  Out extra-curricular events programme starts this month with a Day at the Races in Musselburgh, our trip to Berlin… More

Fall 2017 Photography Competition

Emma Simpson January 24, 2018

The results of our spring photography competition are in! Thank you so much to everyone who entered this semester's competition. We had so many impressive entries and it was very difficult to select our favourites! First Place $50 AMAZON VOUCHER 'Forth… More

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