Getting to know Scotland: September 2017 Happenings

Emily Goetsch September 11, 2017

September is a great month for us at the Arcadia Center in Edinburgh.  Students are arriving, getting settled into their universities and starting their studies.  We get to meet a lot of new faces and love seeing the excitement that students bring with… More

Summer 2017 Photography Competition

Emma Simpson August 18, 2017

The Edinburgh Center had some seriously impressive entries for this summer’s photography competition! Thank you to everyone who shared their photos of their experiences around Scotland and a massive congratulations to the winners! First Place $30 Amazon… More

August and That Festival Feeling

Emily Goetsch August 1, 2017

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the largest arts festival in the world.  The Fringe began in 1947, when eight uninvited theater groups turned up in Edinburgh to perform at the first Edinburgh International Festival… More

Fall 2017 Events

Emma Simpson July 20, 2017

Scotland looks forward to welcoming you this coming fall semester! We have designed a program of events that we hope will enhance your experience in Scotland. Below is a first glance of the excursions that will be taking place this fall. Event registration… More

My oh my, it's July! Events around the country!

Emily Goetsch July 1, 2017

As we gear up for full-blown festival season in August, July offers a range of performances, exhibitions and events which are sure to get you in the spirit!Our summer programs are jam packed with classes, events and excursions, but if you have a few spare… More

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