
Dr. Hamish Thompson


Resident Director

Solar Eclipse in Scotland

Dr. Hamish Thompson March 20, 2015

We had a solar eclipse today in Scotland (95%) and there was quite a gathering in the beautiful park just behind the Edinburgh Center. There was a fun variety of technologies on display to protect the eyes of the viewers. A nice moment to contemplate… More

Rhythms of the World Event Spring 2015

Dr. Hamish Thompson February 26, 2015

Our trip started with a visit to the Hermitage just outside Dunkeld where the 3rd Earl of Breadalbane created a hall and cave in 1760 where he advertised unsuccessfully for a hermit. Fortunately none of our students took up the offer! This cave was dedicated… More

By Royal Appointment

Dr. Hamish Thompson February 9, 2015

One of our Arcadia interns, Allison Moore, studying on the Edinburgh Internship Program, is currently placed with Heritage Portfolio, an events and catering company with some very prestigious clients. This business is only one of three companies in the… More

Impact of Scotland Referendum

Dr. Hamish Thompson November 26, 2014

Dr. Hamish Thompson, Arcadia's Resident Director in Scotland, gives an overview of the background, implementation and consequences of the historic referendum on independence which took place in Scotland in September 2014. Scotland has had a long and… More

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